Athletic Tape

FindTape offers a wide selection of athletic tapes for gripping, strapping, and injury prevention. Product types include stretch, rigid, non-adhesive underwrap, and sports medicine tapes. Perfect for coaches, trainers, and athletes. Shop trusted industry brands you know and love such as Jaybird & Mais, Mueller, ACE, and CureTape.

Need to create support while keeping your range of motion? Try lightweight athletic stretch tape. This high-quality long stretch fabric tape can be torn by hand, making it convenient to use. It is often used for wrapping around thumbs during weightlifting to provide essential support.

For added protection and comfort, consider foam underwrap. This pre-taping foam acts as a barrier between the skin and tape, helping to safeguard the skin while providing support. It is versatile and can be used to keep hair out of your face, secure pads and socks, and as a protective wrap inside footwear.

When it comes to promoting healing and stability after an injury like a sprain or strain, elastic bandages with clips are the perfect choice. These elastic bandages offer customizable support and compression, aiding in the recovery process.

If you're looking to enhance grip, especially in wet conditions, try grip adhesive spray. This aerosol spray adhesive is specifically designed for hands and sports equipment, improving grip and helping you maintain control. For athletes who struggle with sweaty hands, grip powder is a must-have. The adhesive powder keeps hands dry and enhances grip performance. Also available in a paste.

Using rigid strapping tape stabilizes joints during vigorous physical activities. This tape is excellent for strapping applications including spatting shoes. Spatting has become a common practice in many sports where additional support, to restrict motion in the ankle and prevent sprains, is needed. Perfect tape for powerlifters, climbers, martial artists and endurance athletes.

From team sports such as football, baseball, and soccer, to individual sports such as weightlifting, wrestling, and golf, FindTape has every kind of athletic tape you need to enhance performance and support injuries.

If you're looking for an adhesive product or tape to do a specific job, try our Advanced Tape Finder. This tool allows you to narrow down your search based on adhesive type, removability, peel adhesion, thickness, and other specifications. You can also visit our Shop by Department page to find the best tapes for your specific application or industry.

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