Non-Skid Anti-Slip Tape

For amateur and professional racers alike, having good grip is critical. That's why we offer this selection of high-quality non-skid racing tape at This unique variety of racers tape features an anti-slip surface for added safety and precision.

Most commonly, it's applied on racing brake and clutch pedals in order to create friction on the surface so your foot never slips. Even though it's textured enough to prevent skidding and slipping, it's still comfortable enough to put your bare feet on (even though you might not need to).

Racers everywhere use this tape to boost their driving performance. However, that's just one of many potential uses for non-skid anti-slip racing tape. Other possible applications for this tape include:

Product Applications

  • Creating an anti-slip, frictioned surface for brake and clutch pedals
  • Adding a non-skid surface to steps, stairs, platforms, ladders, step stools, scaffolds, skateboards, etc.
  • Keeping computers in place on lap desks
  • Making wet surfaces safer on boats, water skis, surf boards, jet skis, swimming pools, pool accessories, diving boards, etc.
  • Adding extra grip to conveyors and pulleys

While most non-skid anti-slip racing tapes are mop-friendly and can be cleaned easily, not all are waterproof, so be sure to check the specifications for each product if you need your tape to be exposed to excess moisture. For racing applications, however, waterproof tape is not necessary. More information about tape specifications, including application temperature, operating temperature, release liner type, thickness, adhesion and more, can be found under the "Product Description & Specs" tab on any product page.

Turn to for all your racing tape needs. In addition to our non-skid anti-slip racing tape, we also offer surface protection tape, reflective tape, fender bandage duct tape patches, checkerboard tape and more. All of our tapes may be ordered by the roll or by the case to suit your needs.

If you're looking for an adhesive product or tape to do a specific job, try our Advanced Tape Finder. This tool allows you to narrow down your search based on adhesive type, removability, peel adhesion, thickness, and other specifications. You can also visit our Shop by Department page to find the best tapes for your specific application or industry.

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