Polypropylene Film (Housewrap Seaming, Line Set, etc.)

Polypropylene film tape is a type of tape featuring a polypropylene backing and - most often - an acrylic adhesive. This polypropylene material gives these tapes a super-tough yet flexible construction, so it's appropriate for many unique jobs. Keep a roll of polypropylene tape on hand for electrical insulation, long-term wrapping, foam insulation protection and more.

FindTape.com offers house wrap seaming tape, line set tape and barricade seam and seal construction tape in this great selection. Shop Shurtape and Berry Plastics polypropylene film tape by the case or roll.

Product Applications:
  • Tyvek house wrap seaming and wrapping
  • Vapor sealing on interior and exterior vapor barrier materials
  • Protecting foam insulation for pipes and outdoor HVAC line sets
  • Sealing holes and gaps in the exterior wall around faucets, dryer vents, electrical outlets
FindTape is happy to help you find the appropriate tape for your particular demands and environment. You can use house wrap sheathing tape as a closure system in environments where you need to create a vapor seal on interior and exterior vapor materials. It is commonly applied all over seams of installed house wrap to guard against exterior moisture. We also have high-performance polypropylene line set tape that makes a great alternative to cloth tape for long-term wrapping and protecting of foam insulation for pipes and outdoor HVAC line sets. These tapes are uniquely designed for exceptional outdoor performance and have UV-grade properties to endure in the outdoors.

You may prefer barricade seam and seal construction tape, like Berry Plastics 628, to add a secondary line of defense against exterior moisture penetration. This tape is highly flexible and can be easily applied to door flanges, exterior wall sheathing joints, window frames and more. Using this type of tape in new construction or remodeling is a great idea, since it helps maximize energy efficiency by sealing out cold air. FindTape.com is happy to assist you with finding the appropriate polypropylene tape for your unique needs.

If you're looking for an adhesive product or tape to do a specific job, try our Advanced Tape Finder. This tool allows you to narrow down your search based on adhesive type, removability, peel adhesion, thickness, and other specifications. You can also visit our Shop by Department page to find the best tapes for your specific application or industry.

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