Bag Sealing & UPVC Tapes

Sealing up bags can be a pain when you're working with the wrong tape. Get the job done quickly and quietly with UPVC (unplasticized polyvinyl chloride film) tape from FindTape. This type of tape is unique in that it's made to have a smooth, noiseless unwind.

That's a major benefit if you spend a lot of time sealing bags and find the sound of noisy tapes quite grating. With UPVC sealing tape, you get plenty of quiet and an easy-to-unwind roll that makes your bag sealing process quick and painless.

In addition to being noiseless, UPVC bag sealing tape offers a reliable hold that ensures your bags will stay securely shut. It can be used on a wide variety of bags as well, so it's a versatile product that can be utilized across a number of industries. Some of the most common bag types and products used with UPVC tape include produce bags, bakery products, candy items, floral arrangements, industrial parts, newspapers and hardware. In addition, it can be used for a wide variety of applications, such as:

Product Applications

  • Sealing bags (produce, bakery, floral, etc.)
  • Color coding and labeling
  • Packaging, protecting and shipping
  • Heat shrinking
  • Can sealing
  • Bundling

One of the top benefits of working with UPVC bag sealing tape is that it's easy to customize according to your needs. There are a variety of colors available, making it easy to create color-coding systems with bright or bold tones. You can also use neutral shades of tape to create a cohesive look across all products. Many of these UPVC bag sealing tapes have also been designed for printing, so you can add important information to the tape in order to create a more customized look. Whether it's instructions for use, expiration dates or your business name, printing on your UPVC tape adds a level of customization that's not always available with other tapes.

Discover low prices on all of our UPVC bag sealing tapes when you shop at FindTape. We offer packaging and sealing tapes from trusted brands like JVCC, Shurtape and more.

If you're looking for an adhesive product or tape to do a specific job, try our Advanced Tape Finder. This tool allows you to narrow down your search based on adhesive type, removability, peel adhesion, thickness, and other specifications. You can also visit our Shop by Department page to find the best tapes for your specific application or industry.

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